Thursday, October 3, 2013

Camels Have it Good.

I haven't made a blog entry in quite some time, but something very important has been brought to my attention.  Could it be the:  Government shut down?  Debt ceiling?  Market crash?  Furloughs? Twerking?  No, no, no, no and no, I want to talk about Hump Day. 

A school in Connecticut is considering a ban on the phrase "Hump Day."  See the link below:

The hilarious Geico commercial with the camel saying, "Mike, mike, mike, mike, mike, mike!  What DAY is it?  Hump DaaaaaAAAAY!"  The thirty second blip of pure joy goes on to say that no one is as happy as a camel on hump day.  Puts a smile on my face every time I see it, the witty commercial has gone viral and kids are impersonating, repeating the phrase "Hump Day."  The problem being, that children are saying "Hump Day" too often and they are saying it....wait for it...wait for it....on days that are NOT Hump Day.  Blasphemy!  What has this world come to?  Ban the phrase "Hump Day!"  I will be damned if another child in the school says hump again.

First of all, bravo to Geico for making one of the best commercials ever.  Secondly, is hump the worst four letter word a kid could say?  Do the kids know the sexual connotations behind the word hump?  The birds and the bees?  Or do they just think the commercial is as funny as a non-stop fart?  Is it annoying having children yell out "hump DAY" all day, every day?  Probably, but I'm all for it, because it's funny shit.  However, proper precautionary or reactionary steps can be taken.

To reassure yourself, make sure your child understands why a camel's favorite day is Hump Day.  Perhaps you should take your child to a zoo to see live camels.  Interview the camels, have them explain the meaning of Hump Day and the meaning of Miley Cyrus.

Worried that your child is unknowingly referring to S-E-X?  Use your best Al Pacino voice and tell them, "Sex is when two people love each other and one sticks the pee pee in the hoo-HAH!"

Wednesday has always been known as that significant day in the week that gets you that much closer to the weekend.  Unless of course you work weekends, then any day could be your Hump Day.  Aha!  There IS justification for calling any day Hump Day, because it's subjective.  Damn, those kids are smart.

I'm glad a commercial is causing such controversy, it's not like there is any thing else important going on in the world or country.  Perhaps, we should put a bunch of camels in congress to lighten the mood a bit.  Maybe make Hump Day a Hallmark holiday.  Maybe change the saying to, "I can't wait hump this day to get to the next."  What?  Hump Day sounds better?

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