Thursday, October 27, 2011

Coffee Maker

I have never been so indecisive in my life.  I can't pick what's behind door number one, because I am wondering what's behind door number three.  I ponder heavily over whether or not I should write a poem or design a new art piece.  These are not life or death decisions, but I treat them as such.  I have what I like to call "Creative ADD."  If there is ever an award given out to someone that often thinks, but doesn't do--I will gladly accept.  As of right now, I am distracted by the kid outside screaming "she wants to look at his weiner!"  But I digress.  Should I win the "Think, But Doesn't Do" award, I have prepared a speech:

First of all, I'd like to thank Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon for making this possible.  I don't know where I'd be without the instant access to television I don't need to watch and items I don't need to buy.  I'd like to thank God for my iPhone without which I wouldn't be able to check Twitter and Facebook as often as I blink.  Social networking, you have shortened my attention span to 140 characters or less.   When I agree with someone's opinion, I picture a "like" button above their head.  If someone says something quotable, I imagine hash tagging it. #crazybuttrue

I'd also like to give a big shout out to the shadows on the wall, my cat, and the homeless guy with tourettes for attributing to my minimal accomplishments.  Last, but not least, I'd like to thank my racing thoughts and the marathon they will never run.

This week, my "Creative ADD" lead me to the purchase of a coffee maker on Amazon.  When I was supposed to be working on my Grandmother's memoir, I was distracted by the sudden thought of java and how I'd like a nice coffee maker.

If accomplishments could be purchased Amazon, I'd be in a meeting with Johnny Depp discussing the epicness of my novel and how he'd love to play the lead role in the movie adaptation of "Ginger."  Then we'd talk about how "epicness" isn't really a word, but we should make it one. 

I suppose I will get back to writing my novel, creating masterpieces, setting and not meeting goals in three days...after my coffee maker arrives. 

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